Inmate ID#: 130696
Home Address City: NORTH AUGUSTA
Drivers Lic State:
Sex: M Race: W Build: Height: 5-10 Weight: 140 |
Hair: BLK Eyes: XXX |
Agency | Arrest Date | Released |
BTPD | 12-17-2016 16:00 |
Weekender: NO Offense: |
Charge: 59-025-0250 DRIVING WITHOUT A LICENSE-1ST OFF. – BW Case #: Disposition: Sentenced |
Charge: 59-025-0250 VEHICULAR TIRE VIOLATION – BW Case #: Disposition: Sentenced |
Charge: 56-001-0020 NO SC DL Case #: Disposition: Open |
Charge: 56-010-0520 OPERATING UNINSURED VEHICLE Case #: Disposition: Open |
Charge: 56-010-0240 FAIL TO SURRENDER TAG Case #: Disposition: Open |
Charge: 00-000-0000 INAPPROPRIATE OPERATION Case #: Disposition: Open |
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